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Underfloor Heating: The Smart Choice for Aussie Homes

Imagine stepping onto your bathroom floor on a chilly morning and instead of cold tiles, you are met by a lovely warm floor. Aussie homeowners are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of underfloor heating and for good reason. It’s indulgent yet affordable and even adds value to your home. So whether you are renovating or building, underfloor heating can significantly improve your home and your enjoyment of living there!

However, we understand so many options are available that it can be overwhelming.

What is the difference between Hydronic and Electric? What about installation costs?

Let’s clear it all up for you.

In this blog we will discuss the following:

  • What is Underfloor Heating and How Does it Work?
  • What are the Two Main Types of Underfloor Heating Systems
  • Pros and Cons of Underfloor Heating
  • Pros to Consider
  • Cons to Think Through
  • Different Underfloor Heating Options – Tailoring to Your Home and Your Needs
  • Tile Heating
  • Timber Floor Heating
  • Under Carpet Heating
  • Screed Floor Heating
  • FAQs about Underfloor Heating
  • What is the Downside of Underfloor Heating?
  • Is Underfloor Heating Expensive to Run?
  • Does Underfloor Heating Use a Lot of Electricity?
  • Is Underfloor Heating Expensive to Run in Australia?
  • Conclusion

What is Underfloor Heating and How Does it Work?

Underfloor heating does exactly what the name suggests. It heats your home from the ground up. Traditional heating systems concentrate on heating air and blowing it into your home. Underfloor heating gently warms the floor, radiating heat through your home.

Two Main Types of Underfloor Heating Systems 

Before we go further, let’s clarify the two main types of floor heating. These are  Electric and Hydronic. Each heating type has advantages and disadvantages and may suit your home’s requirements.

Electric Underfloor Heating

Electric Underfloor Heating uses electric heating cables that are installed beneath your flooring. It is ideal for small areas as there are virtually no set-up costs. Even when looking at larger areas, Electric Underfloor Heating is a perfect solution. One of the main advantages of Electrical Underfloor Heating is that you only need to redo your flooring to have it installed. It is simply quick and easy.

Hydronic Underfloor Heating

Hydronic heating uses hot water circulated through pipes within your slab to heat the home. You may also be able to use a thick screed. This can be a good option for larger areas but is normally cost-prohibitive for smaller areas.

Pros and Cons of Underfloor Heating to Help You Decide

So here are the benefits of underfloor heating so you can make up your mind.

Pros to Consider

  • Luxury. This is the first and most obvious benefit of underfloor heating. We have never met anyone who didn’t love their underfloor heating. Stepping onto a warm floor is just amazing. No cold tiles, no cold corners of a room, no drafts – it is simply an affordable and beautiful luxury.

Add a heated towel rail to the mix and you may never want to leave your bathroom!

  • Energy Efficiency and SavingsRadiant heat is more efficient than traditional heating. The room is heated more evenly and at a lower temperature than other systems. You may find your overall heating bill is reduced.
  • Improved Air Quality and It’s Great for Allergy Relief: Traditional Heating generally involves simply pumping hot air into a room. This blows dust and germs around the room. Underfloor heating warms the room gently from the ground up making it excellent for allergy sufferers
  • Design Freedom: The only evidence you have installed floor heating is the small programmable thermostat on the wall. No wall space is taken up with heaters.  No ceiling space is taken up with vents. This frees up your design and creativity so you can layout your home however you like. The Thermostat is fully programmable meaning you can program it around your lifestyle

Cons to Think Through

There are not many cons to think through but let’s consider a few potential issues.

  • Higher Upfront Cost

Underfloor Heating might be more expensive than some other options you are considering. However, once you consider the “pros” listed above it more than justifies the investment.

  • Installation Complexity

Underfloor Heating generally requires an installer who has specific training or knowledge of how to complete an installation. On this website, you will find a full list of installers who are trained and do an excellent job of installing Hotwire underfloor heating.

  • Floor Height Considerations

Underfloor heating may involve some considerations over your floor height. If you are laying an element on top of the subfloor it may add a small increase in your floor height. This does not generally cause any issues.  However, if you are installing floor heating in one room and not another you may need to consider this.

  • Repair

Your heating system will be under the floor. This does mean it is not as easy to access and repair as other heating systems.  Underfloor heating is generally very reliable, but like with any product, choosing the right company is critical. Make sure you choose a company with a great reputation for backup and support.


Different Underfloor Heating Options


So we’ve arrived at the good part. How to choose the best system for your home.

There are several styles of electric heating available.

  • Under Tile Heating

Under Tile Heating is a 4mm thick electric cable installed on top of the subfloor. Generally, you can simply install the tiles directly over the element. An entire room can be installed in only an hour or two.

  • In Screed Heating

If you are looking for a polished concrete finish or you are using a sand and cement screed to create a “fall” in a bathroom floor, In Screed heating could be what you are looking for. The element is thicker than under tile heating and is installed within the sand and cement screed.

  • Other floor surfaces

Even if you are not using tiles or polishing a concrete floor you can still use underfloor heating.

Underfloor Heating is still an option if you are choosing to use carpets or floorboards.

It is always a good idea to check with the manufacturer of the product being used to ensure that they will guarantee their product over underfloor heating. In most cases, this will not be a problem but it is always good to check.

Floor Heating FAQ’s

  •  Running Costs

As a simple rule electric underfloor heating costs approximately 2c per m2 per hour. This is based on running at full capacity for 30 minutes while heating and then cycling at 50% of the time following the first 30 minutes.

  • Is under-tile heating safe?

This is where you need to choose a great company. Most suppliers will offer excellent backup and support and provide products that adhere to the relevant electrical standards.

Here is the boring (but important information on Hotwire elements).

All HOTWIRE™ under tile heating elements exceed the requirements of the IEC800 standard for heating cables. We recommend the installation of a Residual Current Device. The element is silent and there are no odors. We use the latest technology in the manufacture of HOTWIRE™ elements. The element is insulated with two layers of PTFE Teflon for added safety and protection. The Earth is a full copper braided screen. The heating wire is multi-strand, which provides flexibility and durability.

  • Do under-tile heating systems require any maintenance?

No, underfloor heating is generally 100% maintenance-free.

  • How is the cable installed? 

For under tile heating the heating cable is installed directly under the tiles. For bathrooms, the cable is positioned between the tiler’s screed and the tile. By having the cable immediately below the tile you have a very responsive heating system. The cable is laid at approximately 60mm spacing, providing 150 watts per square meter and even temperature flow. The cable is connected to a thermostat and timer so you program and automate the system to suit your lifestyle.

In most circumstances, the cable is protected by a self-leveling screed.

Meanwhile, In screed heating, the heating cable is laid under a sand and cement screed, approximately 40mm deep. The cable is laid between 75 to 120mm spacing to get an even heat. The cable is also connected to a thermostat and timer so you program and automate the system to suit your lifestyle.

  • What is on-demand heating?

Traditional floor heating systems are based on an in-slab electric element whereby the heat is stored in the slab. On-demand heating means you control the heat when you want it, thus resulting in a far more efficient and convenient heating application.

  • Can I install it myself?

In some states, part installation can be done by a competent home handyman. However, we do recommend using our network of qualified installers.

  • How long does it take to heat the room?

The timer will switch the element on and the tiles will heat up within 20 minutes. The room will be warm within 30 -60 minutes depending on the design, ceiling height, and insulation standards.

  • Is supplementary heating required?

No, provided that the system is installed correctly and the room is well insulated. Where an existing heating system is in place, the underfloor heating system can be used as background heating keeping your tiles and feet toasty warm.



Underfloor heating when done correctly is a true luxury. It can not only provide amazing warmth to your home, it may even increase its value.

It is energy efficient, affordable, reduces mold and so much more. Why not consider underfloor heating on your next home build or renovation? We know you won’t regret it.

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